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Young Adults


College and Young adults


Welcoming environments and plenty of smiling faces


The chance to learn the Bible in an exciting and practical way


Connecting and building relationships with others your age


College Students 

Our College Students meet on Sundays 10:00 AM and Thursdays at 6:30PM 


Sundays are more of a Bible Study setting where you can ask questions and learn together! 


Thursdays are more of a hangout and chill time that happen at different places throughout the Summer. 


If you would like more information please email Jonathan Acklin, our current Ministry Intern.

Young Adult Ministry


The B.A.S.I.C group is for our young adults. This group is geared toward people who have graduated college and are in the next chapter of their lives. Whether you are a young couple or single this class will fit you. Jason Szuch leads this class and he is an excellent teacher of the Word, he does a phenomenal job of bringing God's word with excitement and practical application. 


We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM at the Lima Baptist Temple. We are located in the back building, on the south end of Fellowship Hall. Someone in the main lobby/welcome center can help direct you to where our meeting place is located. While in the welcome center, please feel free to grab a cup of coffee or a donut and bring it to enjoy in class.


We end at 11:00 AM but you are invited to join in corporate worship with us in the main auditorium after it is over, for our main worship service.

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